Grind size: Course
Coffee to water ratio: 1g coffee to 10g water
Water temp: Cool for 12 to 24 hours
Brew Time: 12 to 24 hours
Gear required: Scale, quart sized sealer jar, filter, coffee grinder
Cold brew coffee is prepared using cold water and a little patience to create a smooth and refreshing beverage! Try our quart sealer recipe!
Step 1
Grind 90g of coffee using a very course grind— similar to cracked pepper.
Step 2
Next, add the grounds to a quart sealer jar and top off with 900g (ml) cold water, cover, and let steep in your fridge for 12 to 24 hours.
Step 3
Lastly, strain the coffee to remove the grounds by using your favourite metal or paper filter—you can even use a very fine metal sieve. Just don’t rush this step—let gravity do the work!
Step 4
What you have made is a ready to drink cold brew. Serve straight up or over ice.